Rapid market exploration

The fastest way to research your market

Use AI surveys to learn anything about your target market without having to schedule a single interview.

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Fill in the gaps of your research with rapid studies

Brand perception

Quickly understand how people perceive your brand, as well as your competitors. Uncover what's driving the perception.

Market assessment

Quantify the total addressable market for your product or service, with detailed qualitative evidence to support.

Idea feedback

Get rapid feedback on your new business or product ideas from your target buyers, simply by writing them down.

Market insights, transformed

Status quo

With Voicepanel

Hard to justify market research spend

Get a quick read on your target market before making a large research investment

Quant surveys don't work well for discovery, with superficial open-end responses

5X deeper open-ended responses from seamless conversational experiences

Research projects take weeks or months

Research is automated end-to-end, delivering insights in just minutes

Qualitative interviews don't scale

Interviews can easily scale to 1000s of respondents across target market segments

Get started with Voicepanel